S.No. | Name | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr. M. Sri Ramachandra | Professor & NSS CELL Coordinator | Coordinator |
2 | Dr.Ch. Naveen Kumar | Assoc. Professor | Member |
3 | Dr. C. Renuka tejaswini | Assistant Professor | Member |
4 | Mrs. B. Akhila | Assistant Professor | Member |
5 | K.Anjineyulu | Assistant Professor | Member |
4 | Sai Aswini | III Year B.Pharm | Member |
6 | Telugu Siva Murthy | I Year B.Pharm | Member |
7 | T. Siva gangadhar | IV year Pharm D | Member |
To work with / among people.
To engage in creative and constructive social action.
To enhance his/her knowledge of himself / herself and the community.
To put his/her scholarship to practical use in mitigating at least some of the problems.
To gain skill in the exercise of democratic leadership.
To gain skills in programme development to enable him/her for self-employment.
To bridge the gulf between the educated and the uneducated masses.
To promote the will to serve the weaker section of the community